How to Change Car Ownership Online?

In case you sell a car, it is extremely vital that the ownership of the car is transferred in name of the buyer. Transfer of vehicle ownership is referred to as RC transfer. RC transfer is pertinent as it makes sure that vehicle as well as all legal liabilities linked to it, is transferred in name of the new buyer. For the transfer of car ownership, you need to file an application with the regional transport office (RTO).
Once you have sold your car, you need to file an application for RC transfer within 14 days of sale of your vehicle. There are certain documents which need to be submitted for this transfer to take place. Now, this process can be done online also.
How to file an application online?
Go to site parivahan, Click the online services tab. A drop-down menu will open. Click on vehicle-related services. Put registration number of your vehicle and then proceed. You will reach Misc Online services. This is used for transfer of ownership. You will have to fill in all necessary details such as 5- digit of chassis number. An OTP will be generated via your mobile.
You need to select the transfer of ownership option. Fill in the needed details of the new owner. Make the payment and the process will be done. In some cases, it is seen that the transaction gets canceled or timed out. Do not lose patience and try the process after 1.15 hours. It is vital that in an online transfer of ownership you take a printout of receipt, 2 copies of Form 29 and 1 copy of Form 30. In case you desire to see application status and print the receipt you need to navigate to “See your application status”. Then enter your vehicle registration number and then reprint the receipt. There are certain documents that need to be filled for transfer of ownership. RC- This is the original registration certification which is held by the seller.
Form 29- This form needs to be submitted together with a passport size photograph of both buyer and seller. This form needs to carry an e-signature before it is filed.
Form 30 (Report of ownership transfer)- This form also needs to be submitted along with a passport size photograph of both buyer and seller. It should also contain the e-signature.
Form 28- This is the no-objection certificate. This is needed in case the vehicle has been transferred to RTO which not the one where the vehicle was registered. This form is not needed in case the vehicle is transferred from one city to another within a state. But in the state of Maharashtra, it is compulsory. So, for all inter-state transfers Form-28 is very important.
Residential Proof- An address proof such as passport, voter card, etc is important. You need to furnish two self-attested copies of address proof.
Insurance- You also need to furnish a valid insurance certificate.
Transfer fee- Every RTO charges a fee for vehicle transfer. This encompasses service charges as well as a transfer fee.
PUC- File a valid pollution certificate. PUC needs to be renewed every 12 months for vehicles made post-April 2010 but for vehicles manufactured prior to this date, PUC needs to be renewed after a span of 3 months.
Report of NCRB- NCRB report ensures that your vehicle is not been used for any kind of anti-social activity. You will get this from the nearest National Crime Records Bureau Office.
So, when you file all these documents and then follow the process which is mentioned above on the site, you will be able to change the car ownership online.
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