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8 Car Dealer Tricks that You Should Know About

Modified On Jun 10, 2016 01:16 PM By Aman

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So, after rigorous research and back and forth visits to multiple car dealerships you have finally decided on the car of your choice. It’s an exhilarating feeling knowing that you are about to step into the dealership for one last time before driving away with the car of your dreams. But, that maybe easier said than done especially if you are being dealt by a crafty car salesman who tries to manipulate you with multiple tricks up his sleeves.  

At times, you may not even realise that you are falling for a deal that benefits the dealership more than the buyer. So, keep an upper-hand by being aware of common dealer tactics and how to handle them. These suggestions will ensure that you are forever ahead in the game.

Trick #1: The price hike forecast

Many a time, dealers lie about forthcoming price jumps that will come to effect in a few days or weeks. Do not fall for this ploy and be forced to take a hurried decision especially if it is the month end. This is normally done to rake in sales to meet month-end targets. Take your time and discuss with your peers, experts, and other dealers to get the best deal.

Trick #2: ‘Get your car in just two weeks!’

Generally, dealers do not tell you the accurate delivery date of the car you are interested in. To keep you engaged in the deal, they make false promises about delivering the car in a shorter span of time. However, to check this malpractice, some companies now have an online order tracking system to give you a better idea of the actual delivery date. You can also cross-check the actual waiting periods with other owners if possible.

Trick #3: ‘This is the last in the lot, book it today’

In case you are inclined towards a specific model and colour, a salesman may try to seal the deal then and there by saying it’s the last one in the lot, even though it may be overstocked. So don’t get tricked into making an impulsive decision based on a tactical sales pitch. Take your time; the model and colour that you are fond of can be sourced from other dealerships as well.    

Trick #4: Dealer's exclusive accessories

Cars aside, most dealers make a large part of money selling accessories such as music systems, floor mats, etc. They may even include some "standard accessories" in your invoice if you don't keep a sharp eye. Make a list of accessories you want and search online on Cardekho's accessories store to get the best prices. Sometimes, dealers can offer extra accessories in lieu of discounts and that can actually be a good deal.

Trick #5: ‘Buying car insurance from us is mandatory’

Getting a comprehensive car insurance cover is not only mandatory but essential as well. What’s not important is where you get it from! Most insurance companies try to force customers into buying car insurance from the dealership they have tied up with. This way they get to charge you a higher premium. But keep calm and search for a better deal online; you can get a quote of your choice on CarDekho Car Insurance. You can also transfer your no-claim bonus from your earlier car.

Trick #6: Buy an extended warranty soon

Dealers use another money-spinning tactic saying you need to buy the extended warranty from them at the time of buying the car. But that's not true. The regular warranty of the car often lasts for about two years so you have enough time to decide on when you want an extended warranty and you can bargain for it as well. 

Trick #7: The resale value game

Dealers often try to play this resale value game when they try to push a specific variant or model of car down your throat. They attempt really hard to convince you of the good resale value you’ll stand to earn on a particular model after a few years. But do a thorough research on how that car is performing and the resale value of the model/variant in the market. Don't allow yourself to be swayed into buying a model or variant that’s out of your budget.

Trick #8: What colour you want

Sometimes dealers try to impose the inventory that has been there in their stockyard for a long time. In this situation, the dealer may force into buying that car saying it’s available only in a single colour. Don't get influenced so easily, unless the dealer is ready to sweeten the deal for you in exchange of your colour compromise.

The above pointers will help you stay alert and be ahead in the game. Always remember to inspect the car carefully and complete all paperwork before you take on the keys of your favourite purchase. Happy driving!  

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deepak yelsangiker
May 5, 2022, 7:29:52 PM

Excellent informative and nicely written to understand. One should keep these things mind when we go to dealer

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    rk dutta
    Jan 2, 2022, 9:06:22 PM

    Nice suggestions and information thanks

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      debabrata sarkar
      Dec 31, 2021, 3:41:55 AM

      Thanx fr d info

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