8 Tips on driving with a baby onboard
We understand this might not be the most trending topic right now, but ask the one who has to deal with it frequently and that person will have a new story for you every day. Taking care of a new born is no easy task, and it becomes all the more difficult when you have to clock up some miles on tarmac. The exercise becomes all the more intense when you are alone with a baby in the car. We cannot ask you to keep a Paediatrician along for the drive, but can certainly give you some tips to make the journey a bit easier.
1. Timing is important
Try to time a journey when your baby is about to sleep. It gets easier if the baby is asleep for the entire duration of the journey. Give the baby a shower, keep a warm Sippy cup handy and settle him/her in the baby seat. Planning a journey during the baby's naptime will save you a lot of exercise and ensure you have a safe comfortable drive.
2. Carry some tunes and toys
Before you begin your journey, make sure you pull out some of your baby's favourite toys and music. In case your baby is wide awake, these add-ons will keep the baby engaged and save you some audible trouble. But be advised, all the toys you carry must be soft with rounded edges as they might become dangerous at high travel speeds. Better if you carry the one's that can cling on to the baby seat.
3. Eyes at the back of your head
Buy a detachable mirror that can be attached anywhere with a small clip. This will allow you to keep an eye specifically on the baby. You may anticipate the baby's body language and take pre-emptive measures to pacify him/her. It is always advisable to have another adult on board while travelling with a child, but at least this mirror can give some advantage if you are alone.
4. Strap in
Secure everything after you have tucked the baby in the infant seat. Use plastic links to tie down toys so that they do not fall to the floor. There is nothing more annoying for the baby than a bunch of her favourite stuff falling to the floor, he/she might object right there with a loud hailstorm of cries.
5. Taking turns
Remember when we said it is advisable to have another adult onboard while travelling with a baby. This is where the other one gets handy. Take turns, one drives and the other one babysits. Consider fun travel games to keep the baby entertained and possibly you as well.
6. Avoid feeding while moving
Try not to feed the baby when you are on the road. Babies are extremely delicate and might end up choking while drinking or eating on the move due to road undulations or body roll. And as an added benefit you car stays clean.
7. Stay calm
The first thing to take control of a situation is to stay calm yourself! Keep your cool. A crying baby should not get you agitated, as that will decrease your ability to fix the problem. We suggest be patient, pull over to the side of the road and calm the baby. Car stress and upset baby go hand in hand, with the baby leading in this race. So calm yourself and try to solve the situation.
8. Remember to take rest
Taking breaks frequently is very important part of a journey with a baby onboard. Pull over at a rest stop, feed the baby, feed yourself freshen up and start again. A good rest-stop will surely have a restroom where you can give the baby a change if necessary which will keep the baby comfortable and hope to god he/she will not trouble you much.
We hope these little tips will make life easier for you to travel with your newborn. There could be more helpful hints that we might have missed here, we hope you add your useful advices in the comments, making life further easier for everybody.