Control your home via Toyota
Left an appliance switched on at home? Not to worry, as very soon you will be able to turn it off even on the move. The two Japanese maestros- Toyota and Panasonic is co-developing cloud-based services for next-generation telematics systems that connects your car with different home appliances, and enables you to monitor and operate while driving. The technology is being showcased at this month's Smart Community Japan exhibition in Tokyo, before it officially knocks doors of the Japanese market later this year.
Almost everyone of us had those ‘oh-no' experiences after leaving home, remembering the air- conditioner left on, television not switched off, washing machine was on standby, and many more. So, here is a technology which will help a lot to eradicate these regretting moments. And to save energy as-well-as hard earned money.
"As part of our on-going efforts to make mobility smarter, more convenient and more comfortable, and as a way to increase the value cars add to lives, we will leverage the cloud-based Toyota Smart Center, which links people, cars, and homes,” Toyota said.
A person can contact an existing cloud-based Toyota Smart Center from his/her car, which then links with Panasonic's cloud-system and ultimately facilitates you to operate home appliances while driving. Furthermore, a dedicated app for in-car use will always keep you updated about the status of home appliances. In general, an application linked to a vehicle's GPS data will remind you to switch off the appliances such as air conditioner or television while leaving home and turn on remotely before arriving.
Panasonic commented, “We are pioneers in providing various smart home appliances such as televisions, video equipment, and air conditioners that support the creation of "A Better Life, A Better World" for each customer. The company is working to develop new smart homes that are environment-friendly and connected to a network to support better lifestyles.”
The two Japanese Maestros first started working on this technology in the past year. And in future, they plan to move forward together with their individual expertise in their fields and co-develop some ways of smarter mobility with the help of cloud-based services. With this technology, they aim to link people, vehicles, homes and communities better.