Exclusive Interview with Mr.P.Balendran, VP General Motors.
Our very own Ritesh Madhok had a sit down with Mr. P. Balendran, Vice President General Motors India. Now we all know just how excited many of us are about the soon-to-happen Chevrolet Sail UV-A launch and decided this was a good opportunity to have a talk with Mr.Balendran about the Sail UV-A and GM plans for India. Ritesh, who knows very well what our readers are interested in, asked the following questions to the Top Gun of General Motors India. Here is what Mr Balendran spoke.
Q1. Which is the main rival to the soon to be launched Chevrolet Sail UV-A?
We have always given our valued buyers the best product possible and this time also we target the segment leader, the Maruti Swift and Hyundai i20 as our main rivals with our world class product the Chevrolet Sail U-VA. We do stand out against competition in the market place in terms of the product attributes of Sail.
Q2. Any specific sales numbers that you are looking at?
Since the market continues to be sluggish, we have not put in place any target as such. But we consider the festive season as the best time to launch our world class product the Chevrolet Sail U-VA and plan to do the best possible sales numbers.
Q3. How do you see the Chevrolet Sail U-VA, your personal views?
The Chevrolet Sail U-VA is the best seller in the compact segment in China and we had already sold close to 500,000 units in China in a short span. Our team at General Motors India had worked hard in making it to suit the Indian conditions in every respect. The Sail is made in India by Indians for Indians. It has been extensively test driven in all climatic conditions in India. A lot of engineering has gone into the making of the Chevrolet Sail to meet the aspirations of the Indian customers in terms of styling, performance, safety, driveability, fuel economy. It's going to be the most spacious and stylish car in its segment.
Q4. How about the price?
We are still working on it and will be announced at the time of launch. Even otherwise, the pricing of the product is always decided based on the market conditions prevalent at the time of launch. Rest assured that it will be priced competitively.
Q5. What are your thoughts on the recent Government policy of FDI?
Anything that helps in opening up the market is always welcome and FDI policy will also help in broadening the Indian market as a whole and help in boost the economy and GDP growth.
Q6. Future plans from General Motors India?
We plan to launch the Chevrolet Sail U-VA in Petrol and Diesel in November and then we will get the much awaited MPV Enjoy here followed by Sail NB (Sedan). The exact dates for introduction of Enjoy and Sail NB to the market will be announced in due course of time. Enjoy should happen by the end of this year followed by Sail NB in the first quarter of 2013.
Q7. What is your growth expectation this year?
Although the market continues to remain depressed due to various factors like high interest rates, high fuel prices, inflation, high commodity prices etc., we will also register growth in tandem with industry.
Q8. Are you planning any new investment or capacity expansion?
We keep making the investments depending upon our product programmes. In a running company, it is a process and it is always linked to product programmes.
Q9. How about your network expansion?
As of now, we have 279 sales points and 272 service outlets. Our intention is to put in place at least 300 sales points and an equal number of service outlets by the end of this financial year.
Q10. How are you planning to increase your sales in the current depressed market?
By putting in place innovative marketing strategies, focus on rural markets, road shows, widening our network reach, having financing arrangements with banks including SBI etc.