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    Ferrari to introduce new technology that stabilizes car by reading driver's mind

    Published On Jan 08, 2011 06:29 PM By Vikas for Ferrari 612

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    Ferrari best known for zooming through the racing tracks with varying speed is now brewing some technology for its car models. The company is planning to introduce an all new in-car technology which will track the driver's mental state and then adjust the stability and the traction control system accordingly.

    As per the luxury car maker Ferrari, sometimes drivers are not able to calculate, and mainly overestimate their driving expertise and skills and also their psycho-physical situation. The car performance, thus represents driver's wish and not his actual psychophysical proficiency and condition.

    The Global patent and Europe wide application showcases that how the sports car maker Ferrari will add on range of sensors in its car of the future. It will help to recognize the data on the driver and adjust the set up in accordance to the data present.

    The application states that the Biometric sensors will have a piezoelectric measuring device which will be helpful in measuring the car driver's respiration, also an instrument for calculating the car driver's blood pressure and heart rate too, along with a television camera which will monitor the car driver's eyes i,e the eye blinking rate which will give the information for the car drivers alertness, also an instrument for assessing the electric activity of the car driver's brain. It will also have a instrument which will record the car driver's surface temperature and also another device which will record the conductivity of the car driver's skin helping in assessing the perspiration degree.

    The new in- built technology blue print indicated that the sensors will be placed on the dashboard, steering wheel, car driver's seat side and the cabin ceiling. The design also has manettino dial which hints that Ferrari will not lose the feel of a racing car driving control system. As per the company sources, the dynamic performance will enhance the driving even when the driver is unwell.

    Read More on : Ferrari 612 2013

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    1 comment
    Jul 22, 2011, 7:50:50 PM

    Ferrari is my dream car. Its sooooo sweet. Thanks to Ferrari for come in India.

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