Hyundai India Kick-starts Safe Driving Campaign With #BeTheBetterGuy
Hyundai India has kick-started its safe driving campaign #BeTheBetterGuy with a set of four short films. These films focus on various safety features of a car and focus on bringing about a behavioural change in driving habits. Every film has a safety feature of a Hyundai car to talk about - ABS, airbags, seat belts and automatic door locks. In every film, one habit that causes accidents on the road - not using seat belts, drunk driving, overspeeding and using mobile phone while driving was highlighted and talked about.
The #BeTheBetterGuy campaign comes under Hyundai's Safe Move - Road Safety initiative. The films have been made to make people think about various habits that they can avoid to make driving cars safe for other road users. Each film hints at an annoying habit through a subtle hint from either a kid, family member or a just a stranger. The #BeTheBetterGuy is chosen as the campaign message and each film has Shah Rukh Khan delivering the same. After all, Shah Rukh Khan is the corporate brand ambassador of Hyundai India.
Hyundai India's MD and CEO YK Koo said at the screening of the videos, "Hyundai Motor India is a caring brand. We want all the drivers to realise the importance of safe and responsible driving. We are confident that with these films, Safe Move campaign will become a social movement with people's participation for a better future." He also shared the fact that he always buckles up whenever he sits in a car, whether he is sitting in the front or the back.
Hyundai India will share the videos on YouTube and has dedicated a website for this purpose too - Hyundai India will be sharing these videos on YouTube over the period of the coming few days and you can see the first of them on the website right now. By using the 'Be the Better Guy' message, Hyundai wants the drivers to understand where they need to be better and why. We hope the message reaches out to as many people as possible and contributes to making the roads safer.