Vehicle Registration Certificate
This time if some one is willing to buy a vehicle he/she needs to get a registration number for the vehicle from the concerned dealer. Moreover the vehicle owners need not stand in queues for as to get the registration number as the Registering and Licensing Authority has been working with a new project through which getting of the registration certificates (RC) will be accomplised by the efforts of automobile dealers. All the formalities concerned with the registration would be charged normally and that too by the dealer from the vehicle owner. The forward step in this case was taken by the Registering and Licencing Authorites (RLA) authorities in order to help its clients so as to get their registrations as soon as possible.
According to the RLA officer Jairam necessary informative letters have been sent to the leading automobile dealers all through-out the city, all been informed about the new scheme. As soon as a vehicle is purchased it is inspected at the concerned sub-divisional magistrate's office. Here the SDM officer check both the documents the vehicle, the similar process is followed which was followed at the RLA office. For the checking of documents at the SDM's office one need not take them from RLA to SDM's. File containing concerned documents will be automatically submitted at the office of SDM's. Employees from the SDM's offices will going to move from main office to all the SDM offices and will allot the registration certificates all till by the evening of the day.
In case any objection arises representatives would be made to contact by the members of the staff so that they could help out to the clients in solving their problems. This positive step been made by the RLA office will not only save people's time but will also going to decrease the burden from the SDM officers head. In order to get the vehicles registered the clients need to pay a nominal fee that too in the name of UT Red Cross. Charges for the two wheelers will be Rs.100 per vehicle, Rs.150 for the three wheelers and these would be Rs.200 for the four wheelers and the pricing would be Rs.300 for a vehicle which easily crosses the range of Rs.5 lakh for the sale price. In addition to UT Red Cross the clients needs to pay to the automobile dealers who will be going to fix the prices for the services of the vehicle. One needs to pay just Rs. 100 or Rs.200 in order to get the fix registration number forthe vehicle. If we consider to what the authorities say we find that paying this amount is not enough in order to get a better service.