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    First privately owned Fiat Caffe opens in Bengaluru, we speak to the dealer principal

    Modified On Aug 24, 2013 07:08 PM By Rahul for Fiat Linea

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    Fiat India has opened the third cafe in Bengaluru and this is the first-time that the company has opened a privately owned Caffe. The other major difference in this Caffe is that it will serve alcohol and European cuisine food too, instead of Lavazza Coffee and sandwiches. We get a chance to speak to the owner for the Caffe and understand his view points, as KHT Fiat Caffe is the second largest Fiat dealership in India from a sales point of view, and probably one of the best when it comes to service. We speak to Adit Morzaria and ask him a few questions.

    Fiat Caffe Bengaluru

    Q1) Congratulations on the Fiat Caffe, we will like to know how different is it from the other two in India?

    Thank you. Well its not really that different since all the 3 Caffe's are the flagship stores for Fiat. But here in Bangalore I am out on a mission to make it a destination point. The purpose of the Fiat Caffe is to build a stronger brand and to give the consumers a unique experience. We have a very strong dedicated experienced team in place to ensure this happens.

    Fiat Caffe Bengaluru

    Q2) Isn't this the only privately owned Fiat Caffe in the world?

    Well i cant really comment on that as I am not aware what happens outside India in terms of the setup of Fiat Caffe's, but in India the Delhi and Pune Caffe's are setup by Fiat investing in the whole infrastructure and a local dealer running the day to day operations. But here in Bangalore we as a dealership opted to setup the Caffe for Fiat and run it as a dealership itself.

    Fiat Caffe Bengaluru

    Q3) Service is one of the most important factors for a dealership, how do you look into it? We have read about several good things from various forums on the internet about KHT Fiat Caffe.

    Service is the most important aspect of the automobile industry i feel. Here again we have ensured that we have a good experienced team in place and moreover a friendly team who have the patience to understand the customers problem and ensure a solution is given. The way i look at it is that if my team has taken the responsibility of selling a car to a customer and convincing him through his decision it atuomatically becomes our responsibility to ensure the customer gets the best service. The motive is that if I cannot provide service to my customers i dont think i should be selling anything to them. We have regular interactions with customers to get their proper feedback and improve on those aspects where we lack. They are free to suggest what ever they feel should be improved through forums or even mail me directly (I have posted my mail id in various forums). Also any complaint they have can be escalated to me directly if they feel it is not being resolved or taking too long.  There are a lot of other plans in place to improve the customer interaction with K.H.T Fiat Caffe like, online payment for service bills, online payment for insurance renewal, selling merchandises online etc etc. We are working in that direction and hoping things fall in place soon.

    Fiat Caffe Bengaluru

    Q4) So, this good service has also resulted in better sales?

    Good service always results in better sales. Again, I look at it differently-it is the dealership responsibility to ensure service is given. That is the dealerships job. As mentioned earlier that if i sell a car to my customer it automatically becomes my responsibility to ensure service is given. A Dealership needs to understand that protecting the customer's investment will always protect the interest of the dealership.

    Read More on : Fiat Linea review

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