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    Maruti India offers Rs. 45000 discount on Maruti A-Star

    Published On Aug 12, 2011 01:04 PM By Ritesh for Maruti A-Star

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    Since a past few months, car manufacturers in India are witnessing sluggish sales, reason being higher rate of interest and rise in petrol prices. To do the damage control Maruti India has come up with a discount offer on Maruti A-Star hatchback. Maruti India is offering an impressive discount of Rs. 45000 on Maruti A-Star to boost up its sales. This discount is split in a cash discount of Rs. 28000 along with an exchange price of Rs. 15000.

    Maruti A-Star

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    Earlier, Maruti India managed to sell 4000 units of Maruti A-Star per month, but this figure has tumbled down gradually. The sales figures of Maruti A-Star in the month of May came down to 1734 units, which were followed to the mark of 1000 units. Sadly, the July sales of Maruti A-Star went down to 779 units, which is surely not remarkable. Therefore, to boost up its sales, Maruti India decided to offer a discount of Rs. 45000 on it.

    Maruti A-Star

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    However, the major problem with Maruti A-Star is space. This hatchback is pretty cramped at the rear, which makes the passenger sitting at the back a little uncomfortable. In the last few months, it was seen that Maruti Zen Estilo managed to outsold Maruti A-Star, because, Maruti Estilo comes with better space.On the other hand, Maruti A-Star is brilliant handling car. The fuel efficiency of this hatchback is surely striking and comes with a responsive gearbox. Maruti A-Star is best if you are single or just newly married.

    Read More on : Maruti A-Star review

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    alaamgir khan
    Oct 23, 2011, 1:30:50 AM

    What is the exact Cash Discount on Maruti A Star and Diwali offer

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      anil jain
      Aug 16, 2011, 2:03:35 PM

      a star staeting prz

        Write a Reply
        Aug 14, 2011, 10:10:50 AM

        only reason is they are discontinuing it.

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