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    Mahindra e2oplus Faqs Answered

    Modified On Dec 08, 2016 07:05 PM By CarDekho for Mahindra e2o Plus

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    [Sponsored Feature]: We have had a chat with Mahesh Babu, CEO of Mahindra Electric to learn more about the e2oPlus and break some myths about electric cars

    The addition of rear doors makes the e2oPlus a more practical family car. Do you see it doing better than the 2-door e2o in India?

    With distinct looks, bright colours and 2 doors adding to the fun element, e2o has its own fan following. Even so, the customer base for the e2o is limited.

    With a view of increasing the applicability of electric vehicles and also to make them viable for Indian families, for whom practicality of usage is very important, we have now launched the e2oPlus. This is a very viable option for customers looking for a family sized, spacious and practical electric vehicle

    I do feel that e2oPlus will bring in a revolution in the Indian EV industry. Customers will appreciate the value that this car delivers and it will become an obvious alternate to IC cars.

    What are the cost savings vs a fossil fuel powered car?

    Electric vehicles are as much as 8 times more efficient in terms running cost when compared to IC vehicles. The e2oPlus has a running cost of just Rs. 0.7/km, where other vehicles will cost almost Rs 4-5/km. This is achieved mainly due to the higher efficiencies of electric drivetrains.

    Not just this, electric vehicles also enjoy the advantage of regenerative braking. This simply means that the action of braking actually recharges the batteries in the car, making the drive even more economical!

    The other major chunk of cost of owning a vehicle is the maintenance cost. In that respect, electric vehicles have lesser moving parts which translate lesser chances of part failures. It is as much as approx. 65% cheaper to service EVs than an IC vehicle.

    How can urban residents charge an e2oPlus, assuming they stay in an apartment complex?

    This question gets us back to a regular myth surrounding EVs – the difficulty of charging them! In fact, this isn’t an issue at all. We have ensured that both the e2o and the e2oPlus can be charged through a regular 16amp socket, the same kind which is used for a refrigerator, oven, AC etc.

    What’s the battery life?

    In our experience till date, given the Indian conditions the battery life is approximately 5+ years. Of course the driving style, charging schedule etc. have an impact on this.

    What stops Indian buyers from choosing electric cars?

    World over, government bodies of any country support the customers by making it easier for them to adopt electric vehicles, on three fronts:

    • By providing support with subsidies on taxes, purchase price etc.

    • By taking steps towards developing a strong infrastructure for charging.

    • By providing special support like waiving off toll, parking charges etc.

    These steps have made EVs as popular as they are across the world today.

    The Indian government has also started taking steps towards promoting EVs in India. Through the FAME scheme launched in the beginning of this year, the government has displayed its support towards adoption of electric vehicles. The state governments also announce their own schemes towards this end. In addition to this, the government has just announced the tender for charging infrastructure. And we are of course working very closely with the government for all of this.

    Given such progress, I am sure that EVs will soon become very popular in India and offer a default alternative to Indian customers while considering a vehicle purchase.

    What can the government do to encourage people to choose electric vehicles?

    The government’s overall outlook towards sustainable mobility is very positive. To improve adoptability and to make it easier to own an electric vehicle, the central government launched the FAME incentive scheme in April 2015, offering reduction in prices on purchase of an EV. A few state governments have also shown considerable support by reducing the VAT and road tax component if the EV is purchased there. Delhi and Karnataka governments have been at the forefront by completely eliminating both the road tax as well as VAT. We are hoping more and more state governments will see the virtue in this and follow suit.

    Apart from this, a major push from the government is definitely needed to develop the charging infrastructure in India. In fact, we have recently worked on installing a fast charging project in Bangalore, with the help of the government. Towards the same end, the government has also recently released a tender for charging infrastructure. But more and more such projects need to be undertaken by the government to ensure that the charging infrastructure in India is adequate and reliable.

    What benefits does an EV provide more than an ICE car, aside from cost benefits?

    The biggest benefit of driving an electric vehicle is that you don’t add to the pollution of the city that you live in. With zero tail pipe emission, EVs are the best way to tackle the urban pollution issues. EVs are also very quiet as compared to IC vehicles and don’t add to the existing noise pollution levels in the city.

    In addition to this, EVs offer the convenience of connectivity – of the customer with the car and of the car with the company experts. This exceptional feature not just provides the ease of controlling some features of the car remotely, but also helps in avoiding the inconvenience of car breakdown as experts can monitor and (often) fix abnormal functioning of the car, all done remotely!

    In terms of driving, EVs have the advantage of a direct drive, making it more convenient and more efficient than other vehicles. And owing to the same, it also boasts of delivering instant torque, a priceless feature for city commuters.

    How is this car #CitySmart? What features make it so?

    The e2oPlus addresses all the issues that an urban city dweller faces in his/her daily commute. These include issues stemming from congestion, pollution, rising expenses and even the inconveniences of daily driving.

    The following features support this positioning:

    Outsmart Congestion:

    • Direct Drive

    • Regenerative Braking

    • Instant Torque

    Outsmart Expenses:

    • Low running cost

    • Low maintenance cost

    Outsmart Pollution:

    • Zero tail pipe emission

    Outsmart Inconvenience:

    • 4 doors

    • Smart phone connectivity

    • Remote diagnosis

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