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    Govt. Proposes New Road Safety and Transport Bill 2014

    Published On Sep 15, 2014 11:51 AM By Sourabh

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    Driving reckless and under influence will soon attract a heavy penalty. Indian government proposed a New Road Safety and Transport Bill 2014 under which penalties levied are up to Rs. 3 lakh along with a minimum 7-year imprisonment that can be given for the death of a child in certain circumstances. The government also proposes a fine of Rs.5 lakh per vehicle as well as imprisonment for faulty manufacturing design, besides cancellation of licences for rash and negligent driving.

    Govt. Proposes New Road Safety and Transport Bill 2014

    The Bill presented by Road Transport and Highways Ministry also proposes penalty of up to Rs. 1 lakh or imprisonment for six months which may extend to one year or both in case of using vehicle in unsafe conditions. Acting strict towards drunk driving, first offence for drunk driving will be fined with Rs. 25,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months, or with both, and a six-month license suspension. While in case of repeat offender (within three years) will result in Rs. 50,000 penalty or imprisonment for up to one year or both and a one year license suspension.

    Nitin Gadkari, Road Transport and Highways Minister of India on the proposed Bill said, "Providing safe, efficient, cost effective and faster transport across the country is our mission."

    "Our new Bill gives emphasis on E-governance to bring in transparency in the transport sector. Our new 'golden hour' policy will provide immediate relief to accident victims and will help save lakhs of lives," he said on Twitter.

    According to Bill, "Any subsequent offence shall result in the cancellation of the licence, and impounding of the vehicle which may extend for 30 days."

    Seeing the recent cases of school drivers driving under influence, the government proposes a fine of 50,000 to be imposed on the bus drivers caught driving drunk along with imprisonment for three years. And if the driver is in the age-group of 18 to 25, the "immediate cancellation" of licence will take place.

    The Bill is presented for public comments and suggestion from stakeholders and will then be presented to Parliament in winter session.

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