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    Technical Aspects: Splash Lubrication System

    Modified On Feb 24, 2016 05:58 PM By Sahib

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    Splash lubrication is a kind of wet sump lubrication. It is commonly used to lubricate the various components of engine. It is a simplest method of lubrication. 

    Technical Facts:

    1. In this system, lower part of the connecting rod is provided with a scoop which is hollowed to catch the oil and it will be carrying and throwing the oil when the engine is running. Due to this action engine walls, piston ring, crank shaft bearings are lubricated. 

    2. However constant oil level needs to be maintained always for proper execution of this mechanism. For this purpose, each oil trough is provided with an overflow which is designed to keep the supply in each trough at the same level since an excess of oil is supplied.

    3. Pockets are also provided above the various bearings to catch the splashing oil and deliver it by gravity to the bearings below.

    4. Under extremely low temperature conditions, this system has certain disadvantages because under extremely low temperatures the oil assumes a relatively high viscosity and the splashing required for lubrication purposes will not occur properly.


    •  Cheap
    •  Simple to implement
    •  Reliable


    •  No oil pressure feed to bearings
    •  Low temperature leads to failure of mechanism.

    Watch this video for better understanding of splash lubrication:

    Also Read: Technical Aspects: Wet Sump Lubrication

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