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    Mercedes Benz cars price expected to take a dip by Christmas

    Published On Feb 07, 2011 06:48 PM By Vikas for Mercedes-Benz GL-Class

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    Few of the Mercedes Benz car models are expected to be tagged with lesser price after the 2011 Christmas. As per the sources, it has been revealed that the German car makers will assemble few of its car models in India which will help in slashing the price of its car models. Currently it brings most of the car models as CBU but after the required set up it will bring the car in CKD (completely knocked down) unit which will help in reducing the import duty on it.

    It is being assumed that Mercedes M-Class and Mercedes GL-Class will be the first ones which will be benefited with the new decision of assembling the cars in the auto company's Chakan unit near by Pune. Another beneficial factor lies that many State RTOs (Regional Transport Office) levy lesser taxes on the cars manufactured and assembled in India.

    It is being learnt from the industry sources that Mercedes Benz plans to engineer fuel efficient smaller capacity powertrains for Mercedes C-CLass and Mercedes E-Class; also its arch rival Audi and BMW are in news for the same. The Indian luxury car market is expected to show an considerable increase for this year which has attracted various luxury auto mobile makers to invest here majorly.

    Read More on : Mercedes-Benz GL-Class review

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    1 comment
    Sep 30, 2011, 11:42:04 AM

    good thing you shared this guys

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