Tata Motors Sells 81,597 units in November 2013
Published On Dec 14, 2013 01:12 PM By Jaimini
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Tata Motors, the country's largest auto-maker, reported to have a marginal decline in its sales graph of November this year. Tata Motors' official statement read that its sale of passengers vehicles division saw a setback by mere 4.49 percent as compared to last year's November, when it went on to sell 53,089 units as compared to this year's 50,703 units.
The overall sale also suffered due to this, as Tata registered a de-growth of 19.91 percent globally. Tata sold a whopping 1,02,337 units in November 2012, as compared to the units sold in November 2013, which stand at 81,597. Tata Motors can't be blamed for this depreciation in growth as almost every auto maker is witnessing the same de-growth in their sales figures.
However, Tata Motors luxury vehicle division, Jaguar Land Rover fared exceptionally well, seeing the current circumstances, as it went on to register a growth of 15.31 percent in its sales graphs. It sold as many as 39,956 units during November 2013 as compared to the 34,649 units sold during the same tenure last year.