FASTags Now Mandatory For All Cars From January 2021
Published On Nov 12, 2020 12:30 PM By Dhruv Attri
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You would need a FASTag to even renew your insurance from April 2021 onwards
In a bid to smoothen traffic on the highways, the government has made FASTags mandatory for all four-wheelers from January 1, 2021. Until now, FASTags were necessary by law only for new vehicles sold from December 2017 onwards.
Ensuring it’s indispensable, FASTag has also been made necessary to renew insurance from April 1, 2021. Whether you’re getting a zero depreciation, comprehensive or third-party insurance, a FASTag will be required.
MoRTH (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways) plans to eliminate cashless payment across 100 percent of the toll booths to reduce tailbacks on the Indian highways. FASTag is an RFID (radio frequency identification)-based electronic payment option. It allows quick movement of traffic through toll gates without the need to stop for cash payment.
A FASTag can be bought through several online payment aggregators, banks or even at toll booth kiosks.