33% of All Potential Online Car Buyers Searching For Cars above Rs 6 Lakhs
Published On Jan 29, 2011 12:14 PM By Vikas for BMW X1 2015-2020
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The reports metion that online sites of Automobile faced a hike in traffic by striking 50% in the year 2010 at the time a 31 per cent growth was observed in the passenger car industry. this simply indicates that the online stores are gaining great demand in today's world. These virtual showrooms are easy to approach for the information collection asnd accordingly take the purchasing decision. The popularity of these websites further increased with the hiked up new car launches in the year 2010 and stressing the digital activities by OEMs associated with these launches.
Around 33 per cent of the potential online car buyers look for cars priced above Rs 6 lakhs. The cars priced between Rs 3 -6 lakhs accounts for 25% of the passenger car segment. This depicts the ability of online buyers to purchase high priced cars.
Maximum traffic of online buyers after the top 8 Metros include Chandigarh, Indore and Coimbatore.
The new car purchase experience which is a mere word-of-mouth in the offline world, along with other experiences related to servicing and performance gas received a huge response from potential buyers and it is termed as the expert's review which influences the purchase decision of online buyers.
Within the virtual websites, the Tata Motors online properties received maximum response from potential car buyers.
Here the word Potential online car buyers is used for the users who have either visited an automobile online site more than once in a month, or have specifically searched for a car brand / model, or have visited more than one automobile website in a month.
Addressing the release of the report, Amit Bhartiya who is the General Manager and Vice President, ViziSense said that the present buyers look for detailed information of the car and intend to compare features and specification across segments before buying the car model. He said that Automobile websites are a good source of such information and hugely affect the purchasing behavior of potential buyer. He claims that company is enthusiastic on the revelation of these exciting figures and expects good response.
The report is based on the preferred brands, segments, comparisons, attributes and fuel-type etc. observed by automobile websites encircling both, OEM websites and automobile portals (like cardekho).
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